Sunday, February 21, 2016

Krav Clinic

January 30th, 2016 marked the first annual Krav Clinic, hosted by KMG NorthWest. KMG Bellevue had the honor of guest instructing this 2-day event in Beaverton, Oregon.

Defense against pistol threat
The weekend was designed for students of all levels, and spanned the curriculum from practitioner 1 to graduate 3. Students had the opportunity to learn more about KMG as integrated system, practicing basic techniques and applying them in advanced material. Topics included defenses against knife attacks, bear hugs, and gun threats.

Erik Knoedler (Expert 1)
demonstrating a
defense against knife attack
Krav Maga is a self-defense system that is built on instinctual reactions and turns them into effective defenses. The system is highly integrated, building from basic techniques in the advances levels. The students who participated in Krav Clinic saw the benefit of this while learning defenses against overhead and underhand knife stabs. The beginning motion is a 360 defense against a haymaker punch. The same defense is used against an attacker who attacks with an overhead or underhand stab. In the advanced levels, the defender uses the same motion and adds a control and disarm. Because these techniques use the same basic defense, the 360, students had the opportunity to learn and practice basic techniques (360 defenses) and apply them in advanced material (defense against overhead knife stab).

Thank you to everyone who participated in this multi school event, and to those who corroborated to give the practitioners an amazing weekend.  Next year promises to be even better!